To book a meeting with Aankit Patel – use this link as opposed to the scheduling form to the left.
Review the CITE research team members’ respective specialties and availabilities below. Then, use the appointments feature to schedule a consultation with one of us!
Anne Drew Hu: Available Tuesdays from 1PM-5PM and Fridays from 9AM-1PM.
- Any kind of programming
- Computing & society (e.g. ethics, interdisciplinary CS)
- Physical computing (e.g. Arduino, RaspberryPi, 3D printing)
- Game design & programming
Olamide Ogungbemi: Available Monday and Wednesday mornings.
- Digital literacy education
- Digital storytelling with Scratch (open to exploring other tools)
- Teachers’ professional development
- Gamification/Game design – (More of an interest than expertise)
- Culturally responsive pedagogies
Meg Ray: Available Thursdays at 11AM.
- Universal Design for Learning
- Special Education w/ a Disability Studies lens, esp. youth labeled EBD
- Pre-service teacher preparation
- Coaching and Teacher Professional Development
- Mixed-methods research implementation
- Software Engineering & Game Development, especially Python, Processing, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- Design Thinking
- Forum Theater/Theatre of the Oppressed/Theater for education & activism
- LGBTQIA+ Activism & Youth Advocacy
Sara Vogel: Available to have a weekly office hour Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9AM-10AM
- Listening and being a sounding board (in general)
- CS/CT educational research design
- Multilingual learners and CS/digital literacies education
- Equity-related teacher professional development
- Foundations, Methods, and Student Teaching (TESOL, bilingual ed [Spanish/English], literacy)
- Late elementary through middle school-level applications of computing
- Digital storytelling with Scratch, Twine, Taleblazer and other platforms
- Game design pedagogy
- CODAP and data analysis (basic)
Anthony Wheeler: Available to have a weekly office hour Friday mornings between 9AM-10AM.
- Digital Humanities
- Secondary and Post-Secondary Education in English & Communications
- Culturally sustaining digital pedagogies
- Digital storytelling via multiple platforms (StoryMaps, Twine, and others)
- Student data privacy, surveillance, and digital ethics
- Open educational resources (OER)/open digital tools
- Gamification/Game Design/Game Studies
- Data visualizations (skilled with Tableu)
Aman Yadav: Available to have a weekly office hour Tuesdays from 1PM-2PM or Fridays from 2PM-3PM.
- Education technology applications in teacher education and K-12
- Computational thinking in teacher education across the disciplines
- Programming (including with Scratch)
- Modeling with Starlogo Nova / Netlogo
Aankit Patel: Available to have a weekly office hour Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings.
- Listening and being a sounding board (in general)
- Resourceful use/repurposing of tools to meet desired learning/activity objectives
- Programming
- Computing & Society
- Data engineering and analysis with various tools (advanced – mapping, viz, open data, cleaning data, etc.)
- Physical computing
- Project level questions
Tom Lynch: Available to have a weekly office hour on Mondays from 3PM-4PM.
- New literacies
- Digital learning
- Teaching literature
- K-12 computer science education