PD Goals (June – August)
- Build our community
- Develop a common language and understanding of the possibilities for computing and digital literacies integration in teacher education
- Design a computing-integrated teacher education artifact, get feedback
- Consider how your work fits into broader work at your college
PD Resources
Locate various resources related to Summer 2022 Professional Development.
- Catalogue of summer Professional Development Workshops for July 2022. See your email for a link to register.
- Missed any sessions? Check out the resources below
- 6/23: Building Our Community
- 6/27: Exploring Computing Integration
- 6/28: Remixing and Planning
- 6/29: Research Agenda, Design Teams, Returning to Equity
- 7/7: Artifact Design Task
- 8/8: Protocol for Feedback
- 8/10: Researching CITE
- 8/11: Returning to our Values
- For recordings of July workshops please go to this Dropbox. The folder is password protected, please check your email for the password or email us.
- Guidelines for artifact development